Images from the Edge of Spacetime:
Resolving Black Hole Horizons
Avery Broderick
Perimeter Institute and University of Waterloo
Wednesday, Oct. 3 @ 7:00 pm EDT
Black holes are among the most powerful and mysterious phenomena in the universe. Almost every galaxy has at its core a supermassive black hole, millions or even billions of times more massive than our sun. Black holes are, in theory, the ultimate manifestation of strong gravity’s impact on the visible universe, but placing these exotic phenomena on concrete empirical footing has been impossible — until now. The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), a global array of interconnected telescopes, has such incredible power and precision that it may finally unveil nature’s monsters in the dark.
In the first lecture of Perimeter's 2018-19 Public Lecture Series, Avery Broderick will talk about the EHT and international efforts to interpret horizon-resolving images of numerous supermassive black holes. Find out more about the upcoming lecture live stream.